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A powerful exercise for unlocking the unconscious mind.

Please note that you can also download a FREE PDF with this exercise at the end of the post!

Being able to decipher what is going on in your body is a prerequisite for personal development and self-discovery. The ability to have introspection (to know what is going on in your body) is a vital part of holistic self-care and a fundamental part of achieving personal growth.

Often, articulating your innermost feelings and thoughts can feel both complex and obscured. This is particularly true when you attempt to decipher the language of your body and soul, which communicate in sensations and emotions rather than words.

The difficulty in verbalizing these feelings and emotions often stems from a disconnection between the mind, body, and spirit, making it hard for you to articulate what is going on, on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level.

The Power of Introspection, understanding your inner world.

This exercise is designed to bridge the gap between your conscious mind and the untapped depths of your unconscious. This practice serves not only as a method of self-inquiry but also as a tool for self-care and emotional healing. Before you embark on this journey, please ensure that you are in a state of groundedness, have created a safe and supportive environment for yourself and, if needed, have the support you need to deal with what might show up.

illustration woman hugging herself

A conversation with your body: A step-by-step guide.

Envision this exercise as an intimate dialogue with your own being, where each part of your body is given a voice to express its current state. This method involves direct questioning aimed at various body parts, inviting them to reveal their hidden truths.

1. Checking in with your body.

Begin by centering yourself and then methodically addressing each part of your body with a question, allowing it to communicate its feelings. You do this by finishing the sentences and completing the following prompts with honesty and openness, write down your answers as you get them:

I am your head, and I feel…

I am your neck, and I feel…

I am your shoulder, and I feel…

I am your arm, and I feel…

I am your hand, and I feel…

I am your chest, and I feel…

I am your back, and I feel…

I am your stomach, and I feel…

I am your hips, and I feel…

I am your legs, and I feel…

I am your feet, and I feel…

2. Creating a single narrative.

After responding to each prompt, you compile the answers and discard the questions, so you now have one continued sentence or paragraph.

So as an example, answering the questions could look like this:

I am your head, and I feel foggy and heavy.

I am your neck, and I feel tight and restricted.

I am your shoulder, and I feel like I am carrying a heavy burden.

I am your arm, and I feel unable to get anything done.

I am your hand, and I feel tired of having to work all the time.

I am your chest, and I feel constricted.

I am your back, and I feel sore and tight.

I am your stomach, and I feel like there is a big knot inside of me.

I am your hips, and I feel tired.

I am your legs, and I feel unwilling to work.

I am your feet, and I feel sore.

Discarding the initial questions (you can simply cross them out on your paper), you get a single paragraph. To improve the process, rewrite all the answers together into one actual paragraph. From the example above it could look something like this:

I feel foggy and heavy, tight and restricted like I am carrying a heavy burden and unable to get anything done. I am tired of having to work all the time, I feel constricted, sore, and tight like there is a big knot inside of me. I feel tired, unwilling to work, and sore.

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3. Addressing how you (as a person) are really feeling.

Now you read what you have written out loud. Start by stating, "I feel…", and proceed to read all the responses in a seamless narrative. This process will not only provide insight into your bodily sensations but will also reveal the emotional and spiritual energies manifesting as physical sensations.

Reading your compiled responses out loud, beginning with "I feel…", transforms an internal monologue into a spoken testimony of your present state. This act of vocal affirmation serves multiple purposes.

Manifestation of your internal state - Speaking your feelings into existence moves them from the abstract to the tangible world. This auditory feedback loop can make the experience more real, allowing you to acknowledge and confront your emotions and sensations.

Enhanced self-awareness - Hearing your own voice articulate your physical and emotional state, you engage different parts of the brain, fostering a deeper level of self-awareness.

Therapeutic release – Saying it out loud is in itself a form of release. This acts like a valve through which pent-up emotions and unacknowledged feelings can be let out. The act of speaking your truth can be quite cathartic, and lead to emotional relief and a sense of unburdening.

Recognizing patterns and themes - As you articulate the sensations and emotions residing within different parts of your body, you may notice patterns or recurring themes. These can reveal deeper emotional and spiritual energies at play, such as underlying stress, unresolved trauma, or the need for emotional healing. Acknowledging that these themes and patterns exist is the first step toward addressing and transforming them.

Fostering mindfulness and presence - This practice encourages you to be fully present with your current state of being. It invites mindfulness, a state of active, open attention to the present moment, which is a fundamental aspect of emotional healing and spiritual growth.

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4. Reflections and gaining insight.

Upon completion of this exercise, take a moment to reflect on the narrative you've just uncovered. Consider the following questions to deepen your understanding and integration of the gained insights:

What stands out to you?

What emotions or sensations were surprising to hear out loud?

Were there any body parts that expressed unexpected feelings or messages?

What patterns or themes emerged?

Are there recurring and repeating words that emphasize a certain issue?

Do any patterns or themes relate to your current life circumstances, challenges, or desires?

And more importantly, how do these revelations resonate with you on a deeper level? How does saying this make you feel?

This practice goes beyond mere self-exploration. By acknowledging and giving voice to our internal states, you initiate a process of healing and reintegration. The discomfort, tension, or fatigue you often feel are not just physical symptoms but messages from your deeper self, signaling areas in need of attention and care.

Expanding the conversation beyond the basics.

Feel free to tailor this exercise to your needs by answering all the questions, or only the ones you feel have issues, or to include additional body parts that you feel drawn to explore, such as your ears, eyes, mouth, fingers, or knees. The aim is to foster a comprehensive dialogue with your entire being, uncovering the nuanced ways in which your thoughts, emotions, and experiences are embodied and what they can tell you about your current state as a whole.

This exercise is not just about uncovering discomfort; it's a transformative practice that encourages mindfulness, self-awareness, and self-compassion, and will be able to provide you with a deeper connection with and understanding of yourself.

By listening to the subtle whispers of your body, you not only get in touch with your body and start to open up that mind-body connection but also gain a greater understanding of what is going on inside and the ability to voice it out loud. Paving the way for a more harmonious fulfilling and balanced life.

Oh, and one last thing!

Now that you have uncovered what is going on, take time to reflect on what steps you can take right now to address any discomfort, imbalance, or needs that you have identified? Is there anything (even small things or changes will be beneficial!) you can do right now to change or help resolve some of the things you have uncovered?

Be well, my friend.


The information found in this blog post is for general informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for a health professional's advice. If you are struggling with health issues please seek professional help. The use of any information provided in this blog post is solely at your own risk.

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    Author Mette Rosenqvist


    With 10 years of supporting women release and manage emotional and physical pain to achieve optimal health, Mette is the seasoned coach and blogger behind MeRoyoga, a Holistic Health website. Dedicated to empowering women of all ages and backgrounds, her work is based on cultivating mind-body awareness and self-regulation through compassionate inquiry. As a Multi passionate coach, Mette incorporates several healing modalities to create bespoken sessions prioritizing inclusion, meaning, and accessibility and thrives on helping women discover all the choices available to them so they can build trust and safety in themselves, and move through life present, centered, and empowered.

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